Veel zomerwerk op de planning

Ook deze zomer werken we op verschillende plekken aan spoor en stations. Dit jaar meer dan ooit. Reizigers dienen rekening te houden met minder of geen treinen en omwonenden met eventuele overlast.

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Stations : Passenger rights

When travelling by train, you can count on ProRail and the train operating companies to provide a high-quality service. Every day, we do our best to achieve this. Train passengers have certain fundamental rights, defined in EU legislation.

Six basic rights

When travelling by train, you have these six fundamental rights:

  1. Buying your ticket without any hassle.
  2. Travelling in safety.
  3. Equal service for passengers with reduced mobility.
  4. Information on accessibility for passengers with reduced mobility.
  5. Compensation in case of injury or death and liability for luggage.
  6. Protection from rail companies failing to meet their liability obligations.

More information

The European Commission established these rights, which apply to all rail travel within the European Union. More information is available on the website of the European Commission. In the Netherlands, compliance with these passenger rights is monitored by the Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport (Environment and Transport Inspectorate).

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Do you have any questions or complaints? Please contact our Public Relations team, that will be happy to help you.



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